
Connecticut Child Support Guildelines

The Connecticut Child Support Guidelines must be considered whenever a child support amount is determined. There is a rebuttable presumption that the amount of the award from the Guidelines is the amount of support to be ordered. This presumption can be overcome with a finding that the Guideline amount would be inequitable.  The Guidelines are to be considered in addition to and not in lieu of the criteria established by other child support statutes. See C.G.S. sec. 46b-215b.

Revisions to the Child Support Guidelines became effective on July 1, 2015. The last time the Guidelines were revised was ten years ago in 2005.

C.G.S. sections 46b-215a-1 to 46b-215a-6 contain the revisions to the Guidelines.  Some of the revisions include a clarification of the definitions of gross income, allowable deductions, health care coverage and expenses, net disposable income, shared physical custody and qualified child. Other revisions were made to the tables and the worksheet. A careful review of the Guidelines is needed to understand all of the revisions made.

Given the complexity of the Guidelines, you should consult with an attorney to make sure you are calculating the child support amount correctly.